- Branding Strategy & Identity
- Brand Guide
- Creative Design - All Printable and Digital
- Product Label + Packaging Design and Printing
- Interior Design & Styling - Moodboard + Furniture List + Shopping Furniture
- Website Design - Shopify E-commerce & Square Booking System
- Launch Strategy - Online and Bricks and Mortar - business made $10k in its first month after launching
- Social Media Strategy & Branding
- Email Marketing Strategy & Automation
- Products & Space Photography
MANAGEMENT OF: - Strategy - business turned over $100k in first 6 months
- Social Media Management
- Website & System Updates
- Email Marketing - EDMs and Automation
- Content Photography
- Graphic Design
- Wholesale Lookbook and Management
- Merchandising
Sister Sister Co - Self Love Day Spa and Store. One of the biggest project I have ever taken on board for a client, it was very close to my heart as I was a partner in this business. It was a beautiful opportunity to use the knowledge and skills I have been teaching other businesses owners for the last 7 years, in a project for myself.
The creative, the strategy and the development of the branding, creative design, photography, website design, PR, email marketing and social media prior to opening its doors as well as its monthly management was created and guided by me. Today many of my clients refer to this project as a "business that had you written all over it and that looked so magical and inspiring. It really proofs you know your stuff"
I put so much love and time into creating the most stunning and well known business prior to and after launch. The business turned over $100k in its first 6 months of operation. It was featured in blogs, invited to be featured in magazines and to sponsor events, it got me invited to speak at workshops and has turned my Creative Studio into a well oiled machine which brought me even more success since.
This really shows how spending time creating the right branding, message, launch strategy, images and socials prior to launching can make a huge impact in your success. Marketing is so much more than a pretty logo, fonts, colours and decoration. It's about message, vision, story, language, connecting, showing up, networking, creating relationships and building trust with your audience so they come back for more.
The other partner of this business, a beautician, became one of the go-to's in our small town and hard to get appointments with! My Agency grew so much during this time. Unfortunately, for reasons outside my control, this beautiful business had to close its doors in March 2022.
It will forever be a reminder of how talented I am, that I walk the talk! and that I can turn all the ideas and concepts I teach others into reality. It also has showed me how inspired I get around beauty and professionalism and how success always come to the ones who dream high.
while the website no longer exists, you can visit the Instagram to see my work @sister.sister.co